Understanding Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence (DV) is defined as acts of abuse within the home for the purpose of taking someone’s power and control. The reality is that many people who experience domestic violence do not recognize it as such. Further, many people to whom abuse is disclosed do not realize that they were just informed about domestic violence. This lack of awareness results in missed opportunities to get someone the help they need. The purpose of this class is to help people better understand what domestic violence is, how and why it occurs, and learn strategies on how to help someone who has experienced it.

Learning Objectives

  • Define domestic violence and become more proficient at identifying acts of abuse

  • Discuss how people end up in abusive relationships and reasons why they stay

  • Learn about the numerous consequences of enduring domestic violence

  • Discuss and practice strategies to help domestic violence survivors and those who care for them

Guest Instructor Info

Shannon Goecke-Watson, Psy. D., LP

Shannon Goecke-Watson, PsyD, LP owns SGW Psychological Services LLC and is an active member of the Minnesota Psychological Association, the American Psychological Association, and the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. She obtained both her Master Degree and Doctorate Degree in Counseling Psychology from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Prior to entering the mental health field, Shannon worked as an advocate at a local domestic violence shelter. Because of this experience, coupled with her classroom knowledge and training experiences she received while obtaining her degrees, she has a strong background in treating domestic violence, sexual violence, and other forms of trauma. In addition, she has a background of working with individuals who have been civilly committed for mental illness, working in multiple medical settings, and collaborating on multidisciplinary teams.

Shannon thoroughly enjoys providing community trainings. She has presented trainings to lawyers, individuals working to obtain meditation certification, domestic violence shelter advocates, and members of the mental health treatment community. In addition, she taught a class on trauma for Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and continues to guest lecture for the University.

Board Accreditation

MN Board of Social Work

2.0 CEUs (CEP-275)

MN Board of Nursing

This activity has been designed to meet the Minnesota Board of Nursing continuing education requirements. However, the nurse is responsible for determining whether this activity meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education.

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